
Upsurge Your IT Career

5-Phase Audit

Level up your business with a comprehensive audit. This audit is given in partnership with Blue Equinox, which allows us to deliver this at an unbelievable price. You’ll get a comprehensive 5-phase IT and Cybersecurity. Each audit ranges in price and has a value of $1,500 – $2,000, but you’ll only pay $249 for the audit. The end report will include several services to fill in missing gaps, although no further purchases are nescessary.

3 Components

There are three components to the this audit. During the initial phase, we will determine together which of the three components we’ll be conducting for the duration of the audit. The Cybersecurity is the most indepth and most important audit of the three, and it’s rare a customer doesn’t opt for the Cybersecurity audit.


Assess where your current cybersecurity risks are and the priority for mitigation.

IT Services

What IT services you are struggling with and what resources can fill in the gaps.

Cost Optimization

What is your budget being spent on? Is it overspending in some areas? Could your budget be reallocated better?

What You Will Get

In-depth Discovery Process

Establish Desired Outcomes

Expose Vulnerabilities and Risks

Visual Displays of the Findings

Prioritized Project Backlog

List of Services and Pricing for Solutions

Staged Roll-out Suggestions

5 Phases of Audit

P1 – Uncovering

P2 – Discovery

P3 – Audit Presentation

P4 – Contract Review


P5 – Project Kickoff
