Free Course:

Mastering IPv6

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), the latest version of the Internet Protocol that underpins modern network communication. Designed for IT professionals and network engineers, the course covers the essential concepts, structure, and functionality of IPv6. Participants will explore IPv6 addressing, routing, and the differences from IPv4, as well as transition strategies and best practices for implementing IPv6 in diverse network environments.

About This Course

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), the latest version of the Internet Protocol that underpins modern network communication. Designed for IT professionals and network engineers, the course covers the essential concepts, structure, and functionality of IPv6. Participants will explore IPv6 addressing, routing, and the differences from IPv4, as well as transition strategies and best practices for implementing IPv6 in diverse network environments.

Key components of the course include:

  • Identify Key parts of an IPv6 Address
  • Compress and expand an IPv6 Address
  • Explain IPv6 address types and their purpose
  • Identify IPv6 Multicast ranges and explain their purpose
  • Explain the role that a Link Local Address (LLA) has in IPv6 communication
  • Describe parts of an IPv6 Packet header and their purpose
  • Explain methods that will help a smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6
  • Describe the purpose of Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP)
  • Explain the purpose and process of neighbor solicitations and advertisements
  • Explain the purpose and process of Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
  • Explain the purpose and process of router solicitations and advertisements
  • Demonstrate how to assign a static IPv6 address on a Windows and Linux machine
  • Describe the process a machine uses to configure an IPv6 address on a machine using StateLess Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) protocol
  • Demonstrate ability to subdivide (subnet) IPv6 address ranges to meet network requirements

Explore the Mysteries of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)

  • Understand how IPv6 addressing works and is subnetted
  • Take a deep dive into Neighbor Discovery Protocol
  • See the important role ICMP packets play in IPv6

Learn it Right, Learn it Well, and Reap the Rewards

Spending the time now to fully understand the core information of cryptography principles will help create a strong foundation to build off of.

Module Descriptions:

Welcome and Getting Started: Prepare yourself for efficiently and successfully completing the course. You’ll get an overview of what the course is all about and what you should expect out of it.

IPv6 Addresses: This module delves into the core of IPv6 addressing, providing a detailed exploration of the structure, types, and functions of IPv6 addresses. Participants will learn about the expansive address space that IPv6 offers, how it differs from IPv4, and the various types of IPv6 addresses that facilitate unique and efficient network communication. The module will cover essential topics such as unicast, multicast, and anycast addressing, as well as special addresses like link-local and unique local addresses.

Packets and Routing: This module covers the basics of IPv6 packets, which are the fundamental units of data transmission in a network. You’ll learn about the structure of an IPv6 packet, including the main header. We’ll break down how packets are organized, what information they carry, and how they differ from IPv4 packets.

Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP): NDP is a critical part of how IPv6 functions. This module introduces the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP), a key part of how devices in an IPv6 network communicate with each other. You’ll learn how NDP helps devices find each other, resolve IP addresses to MAC addresses, and maintain accurate information about their neighbors. We’ll cover the main functions of NDP, including address autoconfiguration, neighbor reachability, and router discovery.

Assigning IPv6 Address: This module covers the basics of assigning IPv6 addresses to devices in a network. You’ll learn different methods for assigning addresses, including manual configuration, Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC), and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6).

IPv6 Subnetting: This module introduces the concept of subnetting in IPv6, a crucial skill for organizing and managing IP address space efficiently. You’ll learn how to break down an IPv6 address into subnets, understand the role of prefixes, and how to assign subnets within a network. We’ll simplify the process of subnetting, making it easy to apply in real-world scenarios, and provide practical examples to help solidify your understanding. These videos will require some understanding of binary numbers and hexadecimal numbers. There are two modules added in case you need to learn or a refresher on those two subjects.

Appendix – Binary Numbers: Supplemental information if you need it to understand IPv6 Subnetting.

Appendix – Hexadecimal Numbers: Supplemental information if you need it to understand IPv6 Subnetting.

Wrap Up: Time to wrap up the course and provide any final thoughts.

How to Take This Course!

Option #1 – Watch this course on YouTube. For convenience, I’ve included links to the videos down below

Option #2 – Take this course on Udemy. This is not a free option, but has the advantage of a full learning management system, no commercials, and completion certificates.

Here’s the link to the Udemy Course:


Course Content

Module 0 – Welcome and Getting Started

Welcome 0:0:45
Course Overview 0:04:53


Module 1 – IPv6 Addresses

Module Intro 0:01:05
IPv6 Overview 0:22:25
DEMO: IPv6 Addresses On Windows 0:03:57
IPv6 Address Format 0:13:21
DEMO: IPv6 Address Compression 0:01:54
ACT: IPv6 Compression N/A
DEMO: IPv6 Address Expansion 0:02:24
ACT: IPv6 Expansion N/A
IPv6 Address Types 0:18:08
IPv6 Multicasting 0:16:15
DEMO: IPv6 Multicast Addresses on Windows 0:05:30
LLA & EUI 64 0:09:45


Module 2 – IPv6 Packets and Routing

Module Intro 0:0:54
IPv6 Packet Headers 0:15:25
DEMO: Wireshark, IPv6 Packet Headers 0:05:40
Transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6 0:08:46


Module 3 – Neighbor Disocvery Protocol (NDP)

Module Intro 0:01:19
Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) 0:10:16
NDP – Neighbors 0:17:32
DEMO: Wireshark, Multicast Membership 0:04:02
DEMO: Wireshark, NDP – Neighbors 0:09:23
DEMO: Wireshark, Duplicate Address Discovery (DAD) 0:05:42
NDP – Routers 0:11:03
DEMO: Wireshark, NDP – Routers 0:01:47


Module 4 – Assigning IPv6 Addresses

Module Intro 0:01:04
Assigning IPv6 Adresses 0:07:35
DEMO: Static IPv6 Addresses on Windows 0:04:56
DEMO: Static IPv6 Addresses on Linux 0:05:10
DEMO: Wireshark, SLAAC 0:08:41


Module 5 – IPv6 Subnetting

Module Intro
IPv6 Prefixes 0:06:25
DEMO: IPv6 Basic Subnetting 0:03:35
REF: IPv6 Subnetting Template N/A
ACT: IPv6 Basic Subnetting Problems N/A
DEMO: Solving for a Network 0:05:09
ACT: IPv6 Solving for a Network N/A
DEMO: IPv6 Advanced Subnetting 0:05:08
ACT: IPv6 Advanced Subnetting N/A
IPv6 Subnetting Application 0:01:57
ACT: IPv6 Subnetting Story Problems N/A
ACT: IPv6 Subnetting Quiz #1 N/A


Appendix – Binary

Module Intro 0:02:54
How Computers Work 0:14:43
Number Systems 0:16:12
Powers of 2 0:05:20
Bits, Binary, Hex, and Octal 0:05:23
Binary 0:10:29
Binary Counting 0:09:08
ACT: Couting with Blocks N/A
DEMO: Counting in Binary 0:02:49
Binary Odometer 0:03:40
ACT: Binary Table N/A
ACT: Counting in Binary N/A
DEMO: Counting in Binary, Part 2 0:03:06
ACT: What’s the Next Number N/A
Adding Binary Numbers 0:02:53
ACT: Adding Binary Numbers with Blocks N/A
DEMO: Adding Binary Numbers 0:04:12
ACT: Adding Binary Numbers N/A
DEMO: Binary to Decimal 0:02:48
ACT: Binary to Decimal N/A
Decimal to Binary 0:02:15
DEMO: Decimal to Binary 0:04:05
ACT: Decimal to Binary N/A
DEMO: Checking Your Work 0:03:52
ACT: Binary Quiz #1 N/A
ACT: Binary Quiz #2 N/A
ACT: Binary Quiz #3 N/A
CHECK: Module 1 N/A


Appendix – Hexadecimal

Module Intro
Hexadecimal Odometer
DEMO: Counting in Hexadecimal
ACT: Counting in Hexadecimal N/A
DEMO: Binary to Hexadecimal
ACT: Binary to Hexadecimal N/A
DEMO: Hexadecimal to Binary
ACT: Hexadecimal to Binary N/A
DEMO: Decimal to Hexadecimal
ACT: Decimal to Hexadecimal N/A
DEMO: Hexadecimal to Decimal
ACT: Hexadecimal to Decimal N/A
ACT: Hexadecimal Quiz #1 N/A
ACT: Hexadecimal Quiz #2 N/A
ACT: Hexadecimal Quiz #3 N/A
CHECK: Module 5 Quiz N/A


Module X – Wrap Up

Review 0:03:12
Course Wrap Up 0:02:24


Help the Effort

Creating these videos takes a lot of time, effort, and money. There are costs to producing the videos, hosting the site, and buying the equipment, not to mention the 1,000’s of hours I’ve put into recording these videos. So far, I’ve asked for and received very little in return. Please consider helping keep the effort going by one of the following: